
The role of the regulator

Regulator is able to automatically adjust the output Voltage stabilizer f the power supply circuit or equipment, the regulator's role is to be volatile and non-use of electrical

equipment requires a supply voltage stabilized at its set value range, the various circuit or electrical equipment can be rated working voltage to work properly. All

regulators are implemented using the same technology of the output voltage to a regulated output voltage by connecting the inverting input of the error amplifier

resistor divider sampling, the error amplifier's noninverting input connected to a reference voltage Vref. Here we look at the role of the regulator.
The initial power regulator is by beating stable voltage relay. When the grid voltage fluctuations, the power transformers  egulator circuit starts automatically corrected, so that

the internal relay. Forcing the output voltage remains near the set value, the advantages of this circuit is that the circuit is simple, the disadvantage is the

regulator accuracy is not high and beat every relay shift will occur once the power supply is interrupted and sparks momentary interference.
The latter is now the regulator is generally industrial regulator, industrial regulator to do is to use induction voltage adjustment, no contacts at linear load buck

adjust voltage adjustment, no frequency offset shift and surge, causing the load to the input power quality the same. High efficiency and a wide range of industrial

safety combination of parts that can withstand harsh temperature, humidity, vibration and dirty environments.
Mainly by regulating the regulator circuit, control circuit, and the servo motor, etc., when the input voltage or the load changes, the control circuit for sampling,

comparing, amplified, and then drives the servo motor rotation, so that a change of position regulator Brush by automatically adjusting the coil turns ratio, so as to

maintain the output voltage stability. Larger capacity regulator, also uses voltage compensation principle.
With the rapid development of society, increasing electrical equipment. But the power transmission and distribution facilities, aging and development lags behind, as

well as poor design and other causes of insufficient power supply voltage is too low is not the end user, and users are often high voltage thread on voltage electrical

equipment especially for demanding high-tech and precision equipment, like a time bomb.
Speaking of the role of the regulator, as a public utility power grid system, above all kinds of loads connected to the tens of thousands, some of the larger

inductive, capacitive, switching power supply, the load is not only to get electricity from the grid, will in turn impact on the power grid itself, worsening the grid

or local grid power quality, resulting in the mains voltage waveform distortion or frequency drift. Another unexpected natural and man-made disasters, such as

earthquakes, lightning, power transmission system is open or shorted, will endanger the normal supply of electricity, thus affecting the normal work load.
Unstable voltage will cause fatal injury or equipment malfunction, affecting production, resulting in delivery delays, inconsistent quality, and many other losses.

While accelerating the aging of equipment, affecting life and even burned parts, so that the owners faced with distress or in need of repair will shortly update the

device, a waste of resources; seriously, security incidents, causing incalculable damage.
Regulators For voltage electrical equipment especially for demanding high-tech and sophisticated equipment is essential, which also prompted us to ask us to develop

high-tech and more advanced regulator to meet a variety of instruments and equipment needs. Therefore, we should know to use the regulator, but also to understand the

role of the regulator.

