
Vacuum circuit breaker for routine

Vacuum circuit breaker at the factory did not make a commitment, the use of the site for regular routine inspection is necessary, as much as possible to avoid blind confidence in psychology.
(A) vacuum circuit
electric meter installation should be carried out on appearance and internal inspection, vacuum interrupter, the various components, the components to be complete, qualified, non-destructive, no foreign body;
(2) strict procedures required to perform the installation process, each component must be installed in accordance with
Circuit breaker specification fasteners used;
(3) Check the distance between the electrodes, the position of the upper and lower outlet distance must comply with the relevant requirements of technical regulations;
(4) tools and instruments used must be clean and meet the requirements of assembly, tighten the screws in the arc chamber four weeks may not use wrenches;
(5) each turn, the slider should move freely, exercise should be applied at the friction grease;
(6) after passing the whole installation, clean wipe, adjustable connecting various parts of the site are applied red paint dot markers at the outlet end of the wiring should be applied with preservative grease.

