
Classification of current transformers

Classification by dielectric
Dry-type current transformer. By the common insulating materials by dipping treatment as insulation.
Casting current transformer. Mixed with epoxy resin casting materials or other forming a current transformer.
Oil-immersed Current Electric transformer  The insulating paper and the insulating oil as insulation, usually for the outdoor type.
Gas-insulated current transformers. Main insulation composed of gas.
Classified according to installation
Through the current transformer. To pass through the wall panels or a current transformer.
Pillar-type current transformer. Installed in the plane or pillars, cater pillar with a primary circuit conductor current electric transformer .
Bushing current transformers. No one conductor and one insulation package directly on the insulating sleeve a current transformer.
Busbar current transformer. Not once but once the conductor insulation on the bus directly packages, the use of a current transformer.
According to principles of classification
Electromagnetic current transformer. According to the principle of electromagnetic induction current transformer for current transformation.
Electronic current transformers.

