
Specifically for switchgear temperature measuring instrument, little, live temperature monitoring, there are two main methods

Specifically for switchgear temperature measuring instrument, little, live temperature monitoring methods are mainly two: First, the measured surface coated with a temperature-dependent color light-emitting materials, by observing the color changes to roughly determine the temperature range, this method is low accuracy, poor reliability, quantitative measurement can not be performed; another method is  electric meter  an infrared  power transformers , infrared temperature measurement accuracy and reliability of the test by atmospheric background, the distance factor, the object emissivity the operating wavelength, regional and instantaneous FOV and other factors, it is very difficult to do accurately measure; and because this  Voltage stabilizer  equipment and there are no obstructions between the measured point can be accurately measured, so that the high pressure switch cabinets and other specific occasions too convenient. Therefore, the author developed a contactless temperature sensor line monitoring system, since the monitoring device at a high potential, surveyors can not close, so the temperature sensor system using front-end power.

