
electric energy meter Product function

With rapid social progress, increasing electrical equipment. But aging and the development of lagging power transmission and distribution facilities, as well as poor design and other Electric transformer causes of insufficient power supply voltage is too low, the end user, and the user is often thread voltage is high, especially for electrical equipment for voltage demanding high-tech and precision equipment, not only as a time bomb. Mains system as the public grid, above all kinds of loads connected to thousands, including some of the larger inductive, capacitive, switching power supply load only get electricity from the grid, the grid itself will in turn cause impact of the deterioration of the quality of the local power grid or power grid, resulting in the mains voltage waveform distortion or frequency drift. Another unexpected natural and man-made disasters, such as earthquakes, lightning, power transmission system is open or short circuit, will endanger the normal supply of electricity, thus affecting the normal workload.
Unstable voltage will cause a fatal injury or equipment malfunction, affecting production, resulting in delivery delays, unstable, and many other quality loss. Meanwhile accelerated Inverter Power Supply aging equipment, affecting life and even burned parts, so that the owners facing trouble or in need of repair in the short term we should update equipment, waste of resources; or even serious accidents, causing incalculable damage.
So use the regulator, particularly for electrical equipment voltage demanding high-tech and sophisticated equipment is essential.


Voltage stabilizer Regulators Technology | regulator parameters metrics

A. regulator has an input voltage range. IEC standard for the input voltage is within the range of ± 10 rating changes. Beyond the audible alarm does not automatically make the output voltage stability in the required range.
B. output voltage regulation, is the input voltage air circuit breaker changes caused by the effects of changes in output when the rated load when the input voltage source voltage range according to rating tuned up and down the upper limit value, the measurement the maximum change amount of the output voltage (±). This value is smaller the better, is an important indicator to measure the performance of AC voltage regulator.
C. Load regulation: the changes in the load caused by the effects of changes in output. Changing the size of the load current, measurement of the amount of change of the output voltage (±). This value is smaller the better, but also to measure AC voltage regulator important indicator of performance.
D. The output voltage relative harmonic content (also known as the output voltage distortion), with THD is usually said that the ratio of the total harmonic content of the fundamental rms rms, when the load is rated input voltage distortion ﹑ meet benchmarks when the condition measurement output Circuit Breakers (typically less than 3), the input voltage is the lowest value and the highest value ﹑ rated voltage distortion, whichever is greatest. this value is as small as possible.
E. Efficiency: P0 is the active power and the active power Pi of the input output ratio (percentage).
F. load power factor
Regulators are or KVA capacity (KVA) value indicates the load, in addition to purely resistive load, there are inductive and capacitive loads, with VA (VA) that, in addition to the active power load, there are no reactive power. This indicator reflects the ability of AC power supply with inductive and capacitive loads.
General AC power supply, load power factor cosφ 0.8, when the product is 1KVA, the output of active power (ie, the ability with resistive load) up to:. 800W If the product is represented by 1KW (cosφ still 0.8), active power output 1KW, then output power S = 1000 / 0.8 = 1250VA. Smaller value when the load power factor, showing greater ability to adapt to the power supply of the reactive load.
G. exchange regulator parameters as well as the output power of the input frequency ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ effects of random source frequency deviation (time shift) ﹑ ﹑ load input power source power factor (this value and load power factor is different, I hope the bigger the better, maximum to 1), the relative harmonic content of Electric transformer the source current ﹑ audio noise other items, three-phase AC power supply, as well as three-phase output voltage unbalance degree, definitions and test methods of these pointers can refer to the relevant standard.


electric energy meter AC power supply and DC power supply

Depending on the nature of the output of the regulator, the regulator is generally divided into AC voltage regulator (AC power supply) and DC voltage regulator (DC power supply) two Air circuit breaker categories. The following highlights the DC power supply, power supply for short.
According to the regulator's work status, the power supply is often divided into two categories: linear power supply and switching power supply. In addition, there is a small power use regulator.
Switching Regulator
Switching regulator using the output stage, repeated switching "on" and "off" state, and the energy storage member (capacitors and inductors) together produce an output voltage. It is adjusted by the output voltage of the sample based on feedback to adjust the switching timing to achieve. In the fixed frequency electri calmete regulator by adjusting the pulse width of the switching voltage regulator switching timing, which is called the PWM control. In the gated oscillator or pulse mode regulator, the switching pulse width and frequency remains constant, however, the output of the switch "on" or "off" by the feedback control.
The switching arrangement and the energy storage member, the resulting output voltage can be greater or less than the input voltage, and a voltage regulator may be used to generate multiple output voltages. In most cases, at the same input voltage and output voltage requirements, pulse (step-down) switching regulator higher than the linear regulator power conversion efficiency. Compensation Compensation --- precision AC power supply (single-phase 0.5kVA and above, mcb circuit breaker the three-phase 1.5kVA and above) have compensation transformer with 110V output.